If you have been reading our blog or our website, you probably have some understanding of the importance of getting a quality medical care and recommendation as part of a long-term disability insurance application.
Group insurance benefit providers do not like to pay legitimate claims, because paying claims is expensive and it cuts into their bottom line. Employer-provided insurance benefit companies will try to find any legal way to deny long-term disability claims. One of the common ways they deny claims is by finding the medical care inadequate to support a disability claim. The most important aspect of a long-term disability claim is getting regular medical that show disability and support your inability to work.
Three reasons to get and maintain good medical records
If you have a long-term disability and are seeking benefits from an employer-provided insurance benefit plan, keeping good medical records will help you:
- Obtain benefits initially: Most long-term disability claims receive denials because they lack the appropriate paperwork and medical documentation. It is critical to have your doctor’s support in office notes that you are disabled and that you should not continue working.
- Prove that you are still disabled: In many cases where someone is receiving disability insurance benefits, the insurance carrier will perform reviews to assure the claimant is still disabled. In order to show continued disability, it is critical to get regular medical care with your doctor and keep record of your ongoing symptoms so that you avoid having your benefits terminated.
- Win in court: It is not uncommon for long-term disability claim denials and terminations to end up in a courtroom. it is critical that you have proper medical care and records that support your disability and that those records be submitted to the insurance carrier while the administrative record is open — and before your claim goes to court.
You never know what could happen, so make sure you get proper medical care from appropriate licensed medical providers and keep track of the records because you could need them either to obtain benefits, keep your benefits or get your benefits reinstated after the administrative processes are exhausted in court.