A life insurance policy can be a crucial form of financial support for those who suddenly lose a loved one. It may be the only way they have to stay in the same home or pay debts owed by the deceased individual, such as student loans. People's life insurance policies...
What should you do if a life insurance claim is denied?
Receiving a life insurance claim denial can be a daunting experience. After years of the policyholder making timely premium payments, it's only natural to expect the policy to work when it's most needed. However, a denied claim isn't the final verdict. Life insurance...
Common Reasons Why Life Insurance Claims Are Denied
Life insurance is a crucial safety net that provides financial security to your loved ones in the event of your passing. However, it can be devastating when a life insurance company denies a claim, leaving families in a difficult situation during an already emotional...
Can your life insurance be denied due to a lapsed payment?
The insurance industry presents numerous challenges for policyholders. Life insurance can be a particular problem. When a policyholder misses a payment, the insurance company can discontinue coverage. Insurance providers deny numerous claims every year due to lapses...
Why was your life insurance claim denied?
Although life insurance is an important benefit for many people, it is not always easy to receive the benefits you expect from the insurance company. In fact, many claims are denied for a variety of reasons. Understanding some of the common causes for life insurance...
Were you misled about life insurance benefits?
Anyone who has ever read an insurance policy knows how complicated these documents can be. In fact, they seem to be made to mislead and confuse the policyholder. Perhaps nowhere is this confusion more prevalent than in life insurance policies, which have seemingly...
Some key points to note regarding life insurance
Did your loved on forget or just didn’t think it germane to cite a hobby or two that features an element of risk (skydiving or bull riding, for example) when applying for life insurance? Perhaps they missed a premium payment or two. Could any of these things turn out...
An unforeseen and jarring result: life insurance claim denial
“Peace of mind” is a phrase often tossed about in myriad contexts applicable to daily life. It is promoted, for example, when an individual has accrued enough savings to withstand an unexpected financial hit. It is soundly on display when a borrower has made the final...
Here’s why life insurance claimants often need strong legal advocacy
Life insurance policyholders sometimes have mixed emotions when they think about the financial safeguards they have put into place for loved ones. On the one hand, contemplating those protections promotes a feeling of security and empowerment regarding the future. On...
What’s driving all that complex, ambiguous policy language?
It’s a pretty fair assumption that the dense and turgid language dominating weighty insurance contracts isn’t for the benefit of policyholders. After all, they’d be able to understand it if it was, right? The inarguable fact is that many policyholders and...