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Attorneys Raquel Busani + Robert Rosati

Some disability-tied considerations relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic

On Behalf of | Jul 16, 2020 | Long Term Disability Claim Denial

A recent public radio piece conveys this flatly astounding statistic: Reportedly, about 25 percent of all American adults deal with some form of disability in their daily lives.

A bit of extrapolation might help put that figure into immediately meaningful perspective.

To wit: More than 60 million people are challenged by ailments that test them every day.

Of course, some disabilities do not seriously disrupt routine functioning and are defined by symptoms described as ranging from minor to moderate.

That is far from the whole truth concerning disability in the United States, though. In fact, legions of people deal with a variety of conditions that materially diminish their quality of life, and over the long term. Many of those individuals have also had to overcome stark bureaucratic and related challenges just to have their debilitating disabilities recognized and covered by insurers pledged to act in good faith.

The above-cited NPR spotlighting of disabilities focuses with particular emphasis on compromised care and skewed medical industry perceptions that have emerged with some force during the current COVID-19 crisis. One disability rights advocate cites a growing occurrence of provider bias during a time of pronounced facility stress and pressure being put upon limited resources.

Commentators say that such bias can lead to care rationing for some people with disabilities, which is an obviously concerning and even life-threatening development in some instances. The NPR article duly stresses the need for “guidelines that prevent disability, related health care rationing and bias.”

Disability-linked questions and concerns can be addressed to an empathetic, knowledgeable and case-tested legal team from a national disability law firm.

