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Attorneys Raquel Busani + Robert Rosati

Four Common Mistakes To Avoid When Making A Disability Claim

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2016 | Firm News

Claiming disability is, more often than not, much more complicated than it actually should be. We often fall into the trap of believing that if we are, in fact, injured or ill enough as to be unable to work, then receiving disability benefits should be a given. These assumptions often lead many to make the same common errors in filing their disability claim which generally leads to their claims being denied. Before you begin your claim make sure to avoid these mistakes and ensure less stress within the process itself:

  • Relying on your employer to provide the insurance company with needed information. Your employer does not, and cannot, make the determination about whether you are able to work or not. You need to contact the insurance company yourself to make sure that you meet the legal definition of disabled and how it fits under the terms of their policy.
  • Not providing full evidence of your disability. Using only the insurance companies forms, though seemingly sufficient can often leave you with holes in your proof of disability which can lead to the denial of your claim. Make sure to get a full explanation from your doctor about your disability or illness, what it prevents you from doing and why you are unable to work.
  • Using the insurance company’s disability attorneys. Insurance company’s will require you to file for Social Security Disability benefits. They will direct you to their long-term disability lawyers to help you do so. Don’t use these attorneys; find your own representation and use the services of ERISA attorneys instead.
  • Continuing the same activities you participated in before your claim. Keeping up with your workout routine or your gardening hobby can actually help the insurance company build a case against you and allow them to deny your claim. Insurance companies often hire private investigation firms to gather evidence that confirm your ability to perform certain tasks.

