ERISA Experience You Can Rely On.

Attorneys Raquel Busani + Robert Rosati

Don’t fudge the facts when making a long-term disability claim

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2023 | Erisa

Regardless of your age, you’ve probably heard the phrase “suck it up” many times after suffering an injury — unless it is obviously severe. That mindset is firmly ingrained in many of our brains.

A strong work ethic will likely remain after suffering a disabling injury or illness leaves you unable to work. However, your future physical and financial health depends on fully disclosing your symptoms to your doctor.

Full disclosure is the best policy – good and bad

If you can no longer work due to your condition and it is covered by your employer’s long-term disability (LTD) plan, it’s crucial to file the paperwork correctly. The Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) oversees private disability plans as well as the insurance companies that administer them.

The most crucial part of the claims process is fully and accurately disclosing your symptoms. That is the only way your doctor can adequately assess your condition, and is ultimately the most vital evidence for your LTD claim.

While some conditions may render you unable to work, your symptoms may not be overwhelming every day.  Like many people with an injury or illness, you’ll probably have good and bad days. Some people fear reporting the “good” days will jeopardize their claim, leading them to only share the times they feel the worst. But focusing only on the worst may be a red flag to your doctor and certainly to the insurance company, increasing the likelihood of a denial.  Not providing a true and complete picture of your symptoms could cause your benefits to be denied or terminated if the insurance company surveils you in person or if it does digital surveillance of  your social media accounts.

Protect your health and future well-being

ERISA attorneys understand how the process works. They know that managing your medical condition is challenging enough. Adding an insurer’s denial or termination on top of that only adds more stress and the appeals process can be extremely challenging and lengthy. That is why it is crucial to share everything related to your condition with your doctor from the beginning — so you receive the benefits you deserve.

