Numbness. Burning. Tingling. A loss of sensation. Acute skin sensitivity.
Many people experiencing those and additional symptoms know that they are experiencing a type of material body disorder. Despite that knowledge, though, they often lack the specific information necessary to meaningfully understand it.
A candid consultation with their health care provider, coupled with a thorough medical screening, might go far toward changing that.
And they might become intimately familiar with the term peripheral neuropathy in the process.
Why diagnosing peripheral neuropathy can be challenging
We note at the national ERISA Law Center that, “Pinpointing the exact cause of this condition can be difficult.” Many factors can play a role in neuropathy symptoms and issues. Those range broadly from diabetes, infections and nerve trauma to inherited characteristics, hormonal imbalances, toxic exposure and more.
Johns Hopkins researchers duly note that many potential triggers can make a timely and accurate peripheral neuropathy diagnosis challenging. They underscore that, “There are more than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy, each with its own set of symptoms and prognosis.”
Dealing purposefully with peripheral neuropathy
It is obviously fundamentally important for any person receiving a debilitating neuropathy diagnosis to receive proper medical care. In many cases, that needs to be ongoing and appropriately adjusted.
Employers and insurers sometimes push back against a neuropathy diagnosis and a long-term disability claim.
A person suffering from that condition can effectively respond by enlisting help from experienced attorneys. A proven pro-claimant LTD legal team knows how to respond to tactics that are clearly grounded in an effort to deny or delay disability benefits. And it will do while safeguarding a client’s rights and striving persistently to promote his or her best interests.